Willbanks Metals
Willbanks Metals - Sheet, Plate, & Structural Steel Products

Steel Sheets

7 ga. 7.5 lb. (.1793″) 11 ga. 5.0 lb. (.1196″)
Gauge & Size In Inches & Lbs. Per Sq. Ft. Wt. Per Sheet Gauge & Size In Inches & Lbs. Per Sq. Ft. Wt. Per Sheet
48 x 96 240.00 48 X 96 160.00
48 x 120 300.00 48 X 120 200.00
48 x 144 360.00 48 x 144 240.00
48 x 240 600.00 60 x 96 200.00
60 x 96 300.00 60 x 120 250.00
60 x 120 375.00 60 x 144 300.00
60 x 144 450.00 60 x 240 500.00
60 x 240 750.00 72 x 96 240.00
72 x 96 360.00 72 x 120 300.00
72 x 120 450.00 72 x 144 360.00
72 x 144 540.00 72 x 240 600.00
72 x 240 900.00    
8 ga. 6.875 lb. (.1644″) 12 ga. 4.375 lb. (.1046″)
48 x 96 220.00 48 x 96 140.00
48 x 120 275.00 48 x 120 175.00
48 x 144 330.00 48 x 144 210.00
48 x 240 550.00 60 x 96 175.00
60 x 96 275.00 60 x 120 218.75
60 x 120 343.75 60 x 144 262.50
60 x 144 412.50 60 x 240 437.50
60 x 240 687.50 72 x 96 210.00
72 x 96 330.00 72 x 120 262.50
72 x 120 412.50 72 x 144 315.00
72 x 144 495.00 72 x 240 525.00
72 x 240 825.00    
10 ga. 5.625 lb. (.1345″) 14 ga. 3.125 lb. (.0747″)
48 x 96 180.00 48 x 96 100.00
48 x 120 225.00 48 x 120 125.00
48 x 144 270.00 48 x 144 150.00
48 x 240 450.00 60 x 96 125.00
60 x 96 225.00 60 x 120 156.25
60 x 120 281.25 60 x 144 187.50
60 x 144 337.50 72 x 96 150.00
60 x 240 562.50 72 x 120 187.50
72 x 96 270.00 72 x 144 225.00
72 x 120 337.50    
72 x 144 405.00    
72 x 240 675.00    
16 ga. 2.5 lb. (.0598″) 22 ga. 1.25 lb. (.0299″)
48 x 96 80.00 36 x 96 30.00
48 x 120 100.00 36 x 120 37.50
48 x 144 120.00 36 x 144 45.00
60 x 96 100.00 48 x 96 40.00
60 x 120 125.00 48 x 120 50.00
60 x 144 150.00 48 x 144 60.00
18 ga. 2.0 lb. (.0478″) 24 ga. 1.0 lb. (.0239″)
36 x 96 48.00 36 x 96 24.00
36 x 120 60.00 36 x 120 30.00
36 x 144 72.00 48 x 96 32.00
48 x 96 64.00 48 x 120 40.00
48 x 120 80.00    
48 x 144 96.00    
  26 ga. 750 lb. (.0179″)
60 x 96 80.00 36 x 96  
60 x 120 100.00 36 x 120  
60 x 144 120.00    
20 ga. 1.5 lb. (.0359″) 28 ga. .625 lb. (.0149″)
36 x 96 36.00 36 x 96 15.00
36 x 120 45.00 36 x 120 18.75
36 x 144 54.00    
48 x 96 48.00    
48 x 120 60.00    
48 x 144 72.00    

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Willbanks Metals is one of the nations largest general line steel service center in the southwest United States. We consider ourselves a ‘one stop shop’ for the consumer of steel products and fabrication services.

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